My name is Sandie Callahan, I’m 25 years old and living my dream. I work for a small, family-owned Great Barrier Reef tour company based out of tropical North Queensland. We make dreams become a reality on our luxury super yacht, the 'Evolution'. Now, I know that sounds cliché, but it’s true.
We take people from all walks of life around the world, of all ages and abilities, snorkeling and scuba diving. We also run glass-bottom boat tours for different perspectives of the reef. My current role is a Divemaster Intern, and I’ve accumulated a few different certifications along the way. A significant role and responsibility of my profession is snorkel guiding, where I have a life ring attached to a rope and assist guests around the reef. Some days, we have passengers who love the water and are confident swimmers, so I mostly guide them to “find Nemo” or point out the Giant Clams. Other days, we have passengers visiting Cairns from landlocked countries, where they have never seen the ocean, let alone learned how to swim. From a young age, they are taught to fear the water. These days are when the magic of myself and the amazing crew comes to fruition.
I find it hard to put into words when someone with a great fear, what surely feels to them like a life-or-death situation, trusts you to help them into the ocean and snorkel around the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef. I hold their hand as they squeeze it for dear life, making their way from the back step of the boat into the ocean onto the ring. You look them in the eyes and say, “I’ve got you,” “just remember to breathe,” “you’re okay,” and “I’ll be right here with you the whole time.”
Eventually, they relax enough to put their face in the water and take that first look at the magical ecosystem below. I’ve heard screams of joy through snorkels, followed by them immediately bringing their heads back up, exclaiming, “OH MY GOD!” But the one experience that will stick with me and forever remind me why I love my job is the woman who lifted her head out of the water with tears in her eyes and simply said, “It’s beautiful!” That day, we cried happy tears together as we explored the magnificent Great Barrier Reef.
Sandie Callahan
Miss Scuba Australia 2024